Jean Baptiste Nolin II

Globe Celeste da Atlas Général, Parigi, 1783


Jean Baptiste Nolin II


Globe Celeste



 Atlas Général à l'usage des collèges et maisons d'éducation, pour l'intelligence de l'Histoire ancienne et moderne.


La tavola dedicata alla volta celeste e alle sue costellazioni è tratta dall’atlante di Nolin II pubblicato postumo a Parigi nel 1783 a cura di Louis Joseph Mondhare.

Sulla produzione di Nolin e del padre leggi una breve nota tratta dal seguente sito dedicato alla storia degli incisori cartografi:


JEAN BAPTISTE NOLIN (father) c. 1657-1708

JEAN BAPTISTE NOLIN (son) 1686-1762

J. B. Nolin set up the family publishing business in Paris in the Rue St Jacques where he engraved and sold a wide variety of maps, on some of which he wrongfully used the titles 'Engraver to the King' and 'Geographer to the Duke of Orleans'. On a complaint by Guillaume Delisle he was accused and convicted of plagiarism but his business continued to flourish. Many of his maps were based on the work of Vincenzo Coronelli, the Italian cartographer and of another French geographer, Sieur de Tillemon (Nicholas de Tralage). His most notable work was the publication in 1696 of a World Map on one sheet based on J. D. Cassini's 24-ft planisphere housed in the Paris Observatory. His son continued the business for many years and prepared an Atlas General which was published posthumously in 1783.

  • 1688-89 Maps of America and Canada
  • 1696 Planisphere terrestre (J. D. Cassini)
  • 1718 Nouvelle edition du theatre de Ia guerre en Italie
  • 1720-56 (son) Maps of the Continents in various editions
  • 1783 (son) Atlas General

















Le Globe Celeste



Altre tavole dell'Atlas Général

di Felice Stoppa