Abd ar-Rahman as-Sufi |
Liber locis stellarum fixarum, 964 |
Pergamenthandschrift M II 141
An asterisk (*) is appended to those longitudes and latitudes which differ from Baily. (Adapted without permission--but with no intention of profit therefrom--from the Almagest catalogue listing previously at http://lnfm1.sai.msu.ru/lat/Zakh/alm-cat/catal.html. Apparently, this page is no longer extant.)
Baily| Ptolemy | BS | Name | No |No Description Long Lat m | V R.A. 1900.0 Dec.PMRA PMDec No |
CRATER. 921 1. Quae in basi Craterae est communis cum Hydro.................................. 146 20 -23 00 4 4.08 10 54 54.1 -17 45 58 -0.465 +0.124 4287 7 alpha Crt 922 2. Australior de duabus quae sunt in medio Craterae............................... 152 30 -19 30 4 4.08 11 19 53.1 -17 08 05 -0.103 -0.001 4405 15 gamma Crt 923 3. Borealior ipsarum...................... 150 00 -18 00 4 3.56 11 14 20.4 -14 14 14 -0.128 +0.201 4382 12 delta Crt 924 4. Quae est in australi arcu oris......... 157 00 -18 30 4 4.73 11 39 41.6 -17 47 41 +0.029 -0.036 4514 27 zeta Crt 925 5. Quae est in boreali arcu oris.......... 149 20 -13 40 4-3 4.83 11 19 33.5 -10 18 39 -0.032 +0.021 4402 14 epsilon Crt 926 6. Quae est in ansa australi.............. 159 10 -16 10 4-5 5.18 11 50 55.1 -16 35 38 -0.056 -0.011 4567 30 eta Crt 927 7. Quae est in ansa boreali...............*151 40 -11 50 4 4.70 11 31 36.5 -09 14 57 -0.067 +0.003 4468 21 theta Crt