Abd ar-Rahman as-Sufi |
Liber locis stellarum fixarum, 964 |
Pergamenthandschrift M II 141
An asterisk (*) is appended to those longitudes and latitudes which differ from Baily. (Adapted without permission--but with no intention of profit therefrom--from the Almagest catalogue listing previously at http://lnfm1.sai.msu.ru/lat/Zakh/alm-cat/catal.html. Apparently, this page is no longer extant.)
Baily| Ptolemy | BS | Name | No |No Description Long Lat m | V R.A. 1900.0 Dec.PMRA PMDec No |
PISCIS AUSTRINUS. 1011 1. Quae est in ore, est eadem cum principio aquae........................ 307 00 *-20 20 1 1.16 22 52 07.6 -30 09 08 +0.336 -0.161 8728 24 alpha PsA 1012 2. Praecedens de tribus quae sunt in australi capitis circumferentia........ 300 40 -20 20 4 4.29 22 25 49.3 -32 51 32 +0.067 -0.012 8576 17 beta PsA 1013 3. Media ipsarum.......................... 304 10 -22 15 4 4.46 22 46 58.1 -33 24 21 -0.030 -0.021 8695 22 gamma PsA 1014 4. Sequens de tribus...................... 305 20 -22 30 4 4.21 22 50 24.6 -33 04 26 +0.018 +0.035 8720 23 delta PsA 1015 5. Quae est ad branchias.................. 304 20 -16 15 4-3 4.17 22 35 07.5 -27 33 54 +0.029 +0.005 8628 18 epsilon PsA 1016 6. Quae est in dorsali australique spina.. 295 10 -19 30 5 4.50 22 02 33.0 -33 28 35 +0.077 -0.033 8431 14 mu PsA 1017 7. Sequens de duabus quae sunt in ventre.. 301 10 -15 10 5 6.43 22 25 20.2 -26 35 04 +0.035 -0.066 8570 zeta PsA 1018 8. Antecedens ipsarum..................... 298 50 -14 40 4 5.43 22 08 38.7 -28 15 45 +0.028 +0.002 8478 16 lambda PsA 1019 9. Sequens de tribus quae sunt in borealis spina.................................. 295 10 -15 00 4 5.42 21 55 05.6 -28 56 01 +0.017 +0.010 8386 12 eta PsA 1020 10. Media ipsarum.......................... 291 50 -16 30 4 5.01 21 41 52.1 -31 21 40 -0.023 +0.001 8326 10 theta PsA 1021 11. Praecedens de tribus................... 291 00 -18 10 4 4.34 21 38 59.5 -33 28 56 +0.035 -0.090 8305 9 iota PsA 1022 12. Quae in extrema cauda.................. 290 10 -22 15 4 3.01 21 47 52.5 -37 50 06 +0.103 -0.017 8353 gamma Gru INFORMATAE. 1023 1. Praecedens de tribus splendidis antecedetibus Piscem................... 278 00 -22 20 3-4 4.90 20 43 43.4 -34 08 59 +0.010 -0.022 7965 alpha Mic 1024 2. Media ipsarum.......................... 281 10 -22 10 3-4 4.67 20 55 09.5 -32 38 55 +0.000 +0.008 8039 gamma Mic 1025 3. Sequens de tribus...................... 284 00 -21 10 3-4 4.71 21 11 52.5 -32 35 25 +0.057 -0.024 8135 epsilon Mic 1026 4. Praecedens hanc et est obscura......... 282 00 -20 50 5 5.18 21 00 17.9 -32 44 29 +0.000 +0.013 8076 Mic 1027 5. Australior de duabus reliquis quae sunt in septentrione........................ 283 50 -17 00 4 5.42 21 07 21.6 -28 01 38 +0.098 -0.116 8110 Mic 1028 6. Borealis ipsarum....................... 283 50 -14 50 4 4.50 21 01 16.8 -25 24 20 -0.023 -0.041 8080 24 A Cap