Conrad Heinfogel (?)

Die Karte des Südlichen Sternenhimmels, Inv.-Nr. Hz 5577, Manoscritto del 1503, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürberg


Conrad Heinfogel (?)


 Die Karte des  Südlichen  Sternenhimmels, Inv.-Nr. Hz 5577

 Manoscritto del 1503

 Germanisches Nationalmuseum


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Star Catalogue of Ptolemy

An asterisk (*) is appended to those longitudes and latitudes which differ from Baily. (Adapted without permission--but with no intention of profit therefrom--from the Almagest catalogue listing previously at Apparently, this page is no longer extant.)

Baily|                       Ptolemy                            |  BS                           |  Name      |
 No  |No  Description                   Long  Lat   m | V   R.A. 1900.0 Dec.PMRA PMDec   No    |                   

 998  1. Antecedens extra australem arcum....... 249 10  -21 30   4  3.51 18 19 33.5 -46 01 24 -0.015 -0.046  6897         alpha     Tel
 999  2. Quae ipsam sequitur et est in corona... 251 40  -21 00   5  4.80 18 42 00.0 -43 39 54 +0.021 -0.020  7062+8 166/9 eta 1/2   CrA
1000  3. Quae istam sequitur.................... 253 10  -20 20   5  5.36 18 49 09.4 -42 50 13 -0.035 -0.024  7122                   CrA
1001  4. Sequens adhuc istam.................... 254 50  -20 00   4  4.75 18 56 01.9 -42 14 13 +0.054 -0.051  7188     250 zeta      CrA
1002  5. Quae post istam est ante Sagittarii
         genu................................... 256 10  -18 30   5  4.59 19 01 23.3 -40 39 06 +0.036 -0.025  7242     291 delta     CrA
1003  6. Quae post istam est borealior quam
         fulgens quae est in genu............... 257 00  -17 10   4  4.11 19 03 09.0 -39 29 58 +0.002 -0.037  7259     305 beta      CrA
1004  7. Borealior hac..........................*256 50  -16 00   4  4.11 19 02 40.2 -38 03 36 +0.084 -0.099  7254     300 alpha     CrA
1005  8. Adhuc borealior ista................... 256 30  -15 10   4  4.21 18 59 39.5 -37 12 25 +0.094 -0.273  7226/7   280 gamma     CrA
1006  9. Sequens de duabus praecedentibus istam
         in boreali arcu........................ 255 10  -15 20   6  4.87 18 51 58.7 -37 14 16 -0.128 -0.097  7152     230 epsilon   CrA
1007 10. Praecedens de duabus obscuris.......... 254 40  -14 50   6  5.38 18 49 53.6 -37 28 15 +0.008 -0.025  7129     222 nu        CrA
1008 11. Hanc etiam satis praecedens............ 251 50 *-14 40   5  5.13 18 36 55.3 -38 25 10 +0.002 -0.056  7021     142 lambda    CrA
1009 12. Adhuc istam praecedens................. 249 40  -15 50   5  5.16 18 25 23.4 -39 46 22 +0.036 -0.039  6942                   CrA
1010 13. Reliqua et australior quam supradicta.. 249 10  -18 30   5  4.64 18 26 21.7 -42 23 04 +0.031 -0.021  6951      85 theta     CrA


 991  1. Borealior de duabus quae sunt in basi.. 237 40  -22 40   5  4.59 17 28 12.8 -46 26 12 -0.028 -0.034  6537         sigma     Ara
 992  2. Australior ipsarum.....................*243 00  -25 45   4  3.66 17 58 50.7 -50 05 52 -0.011 -0.017  6743         theta     Ara
 993  3. Quae est in media arae.................*236 10  -26 30  4-3 2.95 17 24 06.6 -49 47 48 -0.024 -0.071  6510         alpha     Ara
 994  4. Borealis de tribus quae sunt in foco... 230 40  -30 20   5  4.06 16 51 36.7 -53 00 23 +0.007 +0.015  6295         epsilon 1 Ara
 995  5. Australior reliquarium et contiguarum
         duarum................................. 235 10  -34 10  4-3 3.34 17 16 58.5 -56 17 00 +0.002 -0.011  6462         gamma     Ara
 996  6. Borealior ipsarum...................... 235 00  -33 20   4  2.85 17 16 59.1 -55 26 07 -0.001 -0.024  6461         beta      Ara
 997  7. Quae est in extremitate................ 230 50 *-34 00   4  3.13 16 50 20.5 -55 49 55 -0.013 -0.035  6285         zeta      Ara







Zofia Ameisenowa, The Globe of Martin Bylica of Olkusz and celestial maps in the east and in the west, Zaklad Narodowy Imienia Ossolinskich Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Wroclaw-Cracow 1959, opera molto rara, tiratura di sole 500 copie.


Adèle Lorraine Wörz, The Visualisation of Perspective Systems and Iconology in Durer’s Cartographic Works, Oregon State University , 2007




Confronta con 

Manoscritto di Vienna 1440 circa

Planisferi del Durer, 1515

Affreschi di Palazzo Besta a Teglio (1550 circa)




Le immagini del manoscritto sono pubblicate, e per la prima volta ad alta definizione, su concessione del

Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg

 con l'espresso divieto di ogni ulteriore riproduzione o duplicazione con qualsiasi mezzo.






